Pretty much any mobile phone you purchase these days can run apps. We also have desktop apps that run on computers and laptops. Apps have transcended from being something we occasionally use two items that virtually run our whole life. From banking to shopping, games to security, everything we do can revolve around apps. As the saying goes, there is an app for that! Constructing apps is still big business, and the best-selling apps on both the App Store and Google Play turn over large amounts of revenue. They can enhance your business, generate income, and generally act as a perfect customer service portal. But to succeed, they have to be able to stand out from everyone else as there are thousands of different apps, with many offering the same function across both of the primary app stores. So just what makes a great app?

The Purpose
One thing that separates a great app from a mediocre app is the purpose. Many people think that when it comes to designing an app, the primary function is to create loads of features and offer multiple functionalities. However, it is better if an app is able to do one thing perfectly and the simple in design and focus. If we consider companies who have built their whole business on the functionality of their app Uber makes a great demonstration. The focus of their company was to get you a ride quickly. That was the sole function of the app in the early days of Uber. It is how they grew their company to the successful multi-million-pound business that it is today. Once they were established and everyone was familiar with the app, they were able to bring in extra features that complemented things like the ability to split fares. Don’t be tempted to jump straight in with a complex app that does lots of different things, or you could risk losing potential users.
The Target Market
If you are familiar with trying to increase sales in every single business, you will understand the term of finding prospects and knowing your target audience. There is nothing different when it comes to designing apps. You need to understand the audience and appeal to them. It is worth taking the time to understand who will want to use the app and what they like. Are they a casual audience or a more formal audience? Game designers, for example, understand that some players are very competitive by nature, and it is vital that they offer the facility to track their statistics. It is important that the app doesn’t try to be something that it really isn’t. It will be more successful and have more users if you understand your target market and how to appeal to them.

There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to use an app and finding it doesn’t load, falls over, or generally doesn’t perform very well. In order to be successful, an app needs to be fast and reliable. Consider how annoying it is if you try to load your banking app to check something quickly before spending some money and find it won’t load or it’s offline. Customers take it for granted that when they click on the app, it will work, and it is down to you to make sure that happens. We also call this the instant gratification generation; people do not like waiting around even a few seconds can be enough to put people off returning to use your app again. This means you need to ensure it is fast and performs really quickly. It is suggested that everything your customers need to do should be accessible within your app in just two clicks of the screen. For example, a successful app that valued houses did so because the user simply had to upload a picture of it and within seconds of value was returned. The amount of data processing and technology that went on behind the scenes is phenomenal and really impressive. Still, customers don’t need to see that happening, and more importantly, they do not want to wait around while it is happening. It is down to your developer to ensure that it’s instantaneous and lightning quick.
Bug Testing
You also need to have tested an app within an inch of its life before releasing it. It needs to look like a polished finished presentation, not a work in progress. Put the time into thoroughly testing the app and make sure everything works. Pay attention to details; whether you are using sound effects and animations or have specific interactions, these need to be classy and well thought out. You do not want to release an app and find that it is crashing all the time, and new bugs are being discovered. This is down to you to find and fix before you even submit the app to the App Store. The devil, as they say, is in the detail.

The Perfect App
So, in conclusion, the perfect app that will make the top list has several vital features, including a clear purpose and knowledge of its target market, stability, and bug testing. If you are looking for a model to base your app design on, consider the frequently top-ranked apps from Apple or Google as these will give you some idea of what it takes to be a success. Throwing an app up in the afternoon isn’t the way to go, it requires thought, planning, and testing.
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