This article will help you to choose the best gaming computer from the crowd. If you’re anything like me when it comes to computer gaming, the first and most essential question you’ll have is “Which PC do I buy?” That’s a big question for everybody who’s curious, and it’s a difficult one to answer.
Because a gaming PC is such a massive investment, it’s a good thought to take it sincerely and do your research before making the purchase. When it comes to choosing your RAM, processor, graphics card, and storage, there’s a number of things to think about it. That’s why we’ve put together this guide on how to buy a gaming desktop.
BUYING A GAMING PC used to be limited to people with more money than time, but times have changed dramatically. Prices have decreased to the point where making your own no longer saves you as much money as it used to. Even though you pay a higher price, buying prebuilt gives you benefits including assistance, warranties, and discounts. However, before you go for your credit card, think about the following points to make sure prebuilt is the best choice for you.
Computer games are fun since they relax the mind and are one way for stress management. Also, PC games usually keep an idle mind busy. Computer games have no age limit, and therefore anybody can play them as long as one has a laptop or a desktop computer.
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The following are steps to consider for picking the Best Gaming Computer
- Know Your Computer Gaming Goals
It is essential for customers first to think through the reasons why they would opt for PC games. Visualizing and jotting down PC gaming goals is the primary step for picking the best computer. Some of the goals to consider are;
- What are PC games I want to play?
- What kind of quality do these PC games have?
- Am I installing one game, or will I be playing several of them?
- Know Your Budget
Gaming systems feature higher-end components than normal consumer laptops, so their pricing will be more as a result, but the price range is huge: from under $1,000 to $5,000 and up. Gaming laptops on a budget start at around $700 and go up to around $1,250. For that money, you get a system that can play games at full HD (1080p) with most options tweaked, or at the highest quality levels in simpler titles.
- Decide on Your Hardware
To begin with, first, know the type of game to be played on your PC. This would help narrow down the hardware requirements for the type of game to be run on the PC. For example; a game called Cyberpunk 2077 requires a PC with Nvidia 2080 SUPER GPU, at least 16GB of RAM, and an Intel i9 9900k CPU. However, Overwatch requires a mid-range GPU such as Nvidia 2060 SUPER GPU and a mid-range processor such as an Intel i5 9600k. When considering your hardware options, ensure compatibility with MEAN WELL LOP series PSU for reliable power delivery.
Storage is another factor to consider when thinking of gaming computers. Pick a computer with a solid-state drive, but pick a small SSD for gaming only if the budget is small.
- Know the Gaming PC Brands
One must know the various PC brands in the market even before thinking of pre-built gaming laptops or desktops. Several brands have become trusted computer gaming manufacturers. Some of them began by specializing in individual things like graphic cards but established themselves as PC gaming manufacturers. Some of the most common are ACER, MSI, and SkyTech.
- Research on Your Gaming Options
It’s time to look at your possibilities now that you’ve noted down your PC gaming goals and established your budget. This is the final step, where you’ll see a list of several pre-built gaming laptops or desktops. There are lots of these pre-built gaming laptops or desktops on Amazon, which are left for the buyer to make an informed decision.
Having followed through the steps, a great emphasis is made on the video card and specific hardware you need for computer gaming. Some of these include;
- The video Card
The video card is the engine of your gaming computer. The card processes or analyzes all the graphic elements in your pc games. The games are more fluent if the video card is also faster. The three popular video cards include; Basic dedicated video cards, NVIDIA GeForce GTX video cards, and NVIDIA GeForce RTX video cards.
Basic dedicated video cards are not a bit powerful for gaming. An example of a basic dedicated card is the NVIDIA GeForce MX cards. NVIDIA GeForce GTX video cards usually run the latest games at ultra-settings. E.g., the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060. Lastly, NVIDIA GeForce RTX video cards are the ones suitable for hardcore games. E.g. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 and RTX 2080Ti.
- The Processor
It’s necessary to make sure your CPU is capable of doing the job if you want to get the most out of your gaming desktop or laptop. When paired with the compatible graphic cards, newer gaming CPUs use faster clock rates, larger cache sizes, and higher thread counts, resulting in better performance.
A minimum of 8 GB RAM is sufficient for PC gaming. The RAM acts as a notepad for your Central Processing Unit (CPU) that quickly stores and retrieves information. To stream games, 32GB or 16GB is a requirement.
- The Hard Drive
A majority of computer gamers usually hate loading. With an SSD, loading is a thing of the past since it reduces the loading time and start-up by nearly half. You can choose multiple SSDs in a Raid 0 setup if you want to take your PC to the next level.
- The Case
After choosing a gaming computer, the last question would be the type of casing you need. Several different computer manufacturers have their gaming series. Since tastes usually differ, it’s beneficial to look at what you like. Personal preferences may range from PC decoration and lighting to more subtle computer cases. It is advisable that you choose the case you like.
In Conclusion
There are so many computer games that are developing yearly. However, how to pick the best gaming computer is where the challenge is. The challenge seems to be solved from the above steps. The steps highlighted included; Individual PC gaming goals, determining the budget, computer hardware, knowing PC brands, and researching gaming options. Additionally, the gaming PC buyer is advised to emphasize the type of video cards, size of RAM, Hard drive, and type of Case.
Having observed the above steps and the hardware specifications, picking the best gaming PC is guaranteed.
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