You have got your ecommerce idea off the ground. Your store is up and running, you’re selling products, and building your brand. There’s just one issue: there is still ample room for growth.
While starting an ecommerce store and generating sales is relatively easy, the real task is taking your business up the ranks. The main level to reach is being an industry leader, where not only do you rack up big sales numbers, but your brand name is instantly recognizable by your target market.

To help you climb the ladder, here are seven tips to successfully grow your ecommerce store.
Tip #1: Don’t forget your current customers
The plan is to grow your ecommerce store. To do that, you require a larger customer base than the one you have currently. However, it’s essential you don’t simply ignore your existing customers – and it’s not just because they helped you out in the beginning.
The reason is simple: research suggests that it costs five times more to acquire new customers compared to keeping existing ones.
Because of this, you have to put in extra effort to stay in touch with your current customers. The good news is that you’ll likely have their email address after processing their initial order. This address is your way to frequently remind them about your business, whether this is through a monthly newsletter, weekly offers, or even personalized messages.
Just remember to avoid bombarding them with emails – you don’t want your marketing materials to end up in their spam folder!
Tip #2: Build up reviews
When you’re planning to purchase something online, there are a few aspects you always look out for. Firstly, you want to ensure the product matches your specifications and requirements. You also need to know if it possesses the quality you seek – and that’s when you turn to reviews.
If this is what you do when you buy products online, guess what: your own customers are doing the same when they visit your store.
With this in mind, it’s vital you collect as many positive reviews as you can for your products and business in general. Fortunately, there are various methods available where you can encourage customers to leave their public feedback. This ranges from offering a discount offer with every review to including a handwritten note within your packaging, letting customers know how valuable their reviews are for your business.
Tip #3: Optimize your SEO
Organic traffic is a goldmine for ecommerce stores. If you’re able to maneuver your website onto the first page of Google search results for relevant keywords, this can result in an ample collection of targeted visitors looking at your product listings.
Of course, for that to happen, you need to refine your search engine optimization efforts.
Have you put in the work already on your site’s SEO? In this case, you might feel there’s nothing else that can be done to improve this aspect. This is the wrong viewpoint to take, however, because there’s room to enhance every SEO campaign in some way. Keyword trends constantly change, and Google alters its search algorithms on a regular basis.
If you haven’t even gotten started on your SEO adventure, Google themselves has put together a helpful starter guide.
Tip #4: Get social
Rather than waiting for your target customers to reach you through a Google search, you can take a proactive approach with social media. Now it’s likely you already have a couple of social media accounts created for your brand. Yet whether you’re on Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok, are you making the most of these platforms?
With the right strategy, it’s possible to produce massive visibility for your business – and you don’t necessarily have to go viral. A steady stream of engaging, creative content is enough to bring in a huge number of eyeballs to your brand.
Admittedly, it’s no easy task to craft high-quality content. Just remember to keep it relevant and visual. If you can also incorporate current trends into your posts, this will also go some way to improving its chances of gaining additional likes, shares, and so on.
Tip #5: Make use of the cloud
Cloud technology is able to make life a whole lot easier for ecommerce store owners. For those that do make the jump to the cloud, there are various benefits up for grabs. In general, it helps to lower expenses, speed up processes, and make a business much more productive overall.
Cloud computing can help your business in an assortment of ways. It can enhance communication, collaboration, data storage, security, and so much more. Plus, with accessible platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) available, it has never been easier to join the cloud revolution.
Tip #6: Don’t forget your security
As you grow your ecommerce business, threats towards it also grow. Your store is seen as a more valuable entity – and this results in more cybercriminals targeting it as they hope to land a lucrative score. Consequently, improving your security becomes imperative.
This means you have to analyze every aspect of your online business. Even when using something like the aforementioned AWS, which packs in a range of advanced security features, you have to pay careful attention. To emphasize this point, Sonrai Security highlights the 11 best AWS security features to shore up this platform.
Tip #7: Refine your product listings
Even if you have a potential customer on your site and looking at your products, this doesn’t necessarily lead to a conversion. You have to do all that you can to convince visitors to complete their purchases. One of the key components is putting together effective product listings.
Try and incorporate as much useful information as you can with each listing. Add as many images as you can, covering all angles and details when possible. Also, make sure descriptions cover everything a customer would want to know about the product. The more detail added, the more confident a customer will feel in making a purchase.
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