Students are opting for many innovative ways to study these days. They want to enhance and enrich their knowledge by all possible means so that they can compete in a cutthroat competition of success. Distance learning is a methodology of learning where teachers and students don’t meet physically, instead, they use electronic mediums such as the internet, email, video calls for the purpose of teaching and learning. It is a kind of remote education where teachers teach online and their online teaching helps students from any location to study and get knowledge. This methodology of teaching and learning is getting very popular among tutors and learners these days. There are a lot of benefits of studying remotely as compared to the traditional model of teaching where it was compulsory for the student to go to the school & make 100% attendance for study.

Online education has started to revolutionize the process of studying, earlier in distance learning students usually used to communicate with their tutors and mentors with the help of mails but in today’s era where online teaching is common, the teacher is in habit to teach online almost all the course material with the help of video conferencing, presentations, various teaching apps, etc. Online education aided distance learning in many means and made it quite simple to reach almost each & every student. Students had limited options under distance learning but nowadays they have various options to opt for according to their convenience. Distance learning as stated above had limited options to reach students but today it is running in various forms such as video conferencing, synchronous learning, asynchronous learning, open schedule, fixed time, computer-based, and hybrid learning.
Distance learning got a life when students and teachers started to interact live. Face-to-face interaction between student and teacher built a bridge of trust due to which their understanding grew in a trustworthy manner and students got benefited in the matter of earning and gaining knowledge from teachers. The most efficient factor which distance learning gained with the addition of online education is flexibility. Now students can choose their schedule of study i.e., when, where, and how to learn according to their convenience. The scenario of distance learning has changed a lot. Now the students who are learning through distance learning can qualify for any degree and any qualification from any university of the world. In case students want live interaction such as live access to the teachers, they can live conferences organized by the teachers. Also, online education aids a new thing to distance learning that if the student could not attend the lecture due to any reason, he/she need not worry at all, he or she can watch the lecture online anytime afterward when convenient.
The most special thing which is aided to distance learning by online education is easy to access. We have talked about it in the initial paragraph also but this has given easy access to those students who are either compelled by situations, are not able to go to study far away from their home, or the students who are physically disabled. Such students used to drop their studies earlier due to such compulsions but nowadays such students are getting an education as much as they want and also achieving reputative positions in their career. Remote education with the help of online means has given new wings to education especially in the matter of international education. Internationally famous and reputed universities and corporate colleges are providing degrees, certificates and qualifications to the students and building their careers at all possible levels due to which students are able to settle anywhere in the world nowadays with good earnings.
Expanding horizons of online education have aided distance learning in a new way. Earlier few institutions had a monopoly in distance learning hence they used to charge fees as much as they wanted but now so many ways are there to attain online education that it has minimized its cost and students have taken a sigh of relief and are getting an education in distance learning within their pocket. As everything has its own pros and cons, the same way people also criticized the expansion of online education in the name of credibility but governments all over the world supported online education and created bureaus to keep an eye to stop the fraudulent processes in online education hence is completely safe and beneficial to study in distance learning supported by online education.
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