Working with Salesforce may be quite overwhelming sometimes, especially when you are just starting with it. Salesforce is now the No.1 CRM globally with many tabs, functions, and buttons out there on the interface, which all can be effectively used to do your tasks well. However, when you are a new Salesforce user, it won’t be very clear initially to use all these to the optimum to fully embrace the fullest power of Salesforce. This article will discuss some expert tips that will help you use Salesforce like a boss.

Useful Salesforce Tips
Personalize the tabs
Tabs are effective ways to easily reach various Salesforce platform features, which you may need for your daily work. However, these tabs are not always in a desirable order be default to make sense to your tasks in hand. Say, for example, if your job is to create new accounts, you may have to maintain these and call for appointments. Here, you need your contact and accounts tabs right on top and not at the bottom. Salesforce allows you to do this reorganizing.
You can change the order of these for your view and other individual users too. You can just check at the bottom of the screen to find the ‘edit tabs’ feature with a little pencil’s image. You can click on it to be presented with a custom list of tabs that can be dragged and reordered as you wish. You can do this with any number of tabs as you like, but make sure that you click ‘save’ at the end of all rearrangements to get it displayed in a modified manner.
Create the list views
Salesforce list views are ideal for making your workday tasks easy. These are filtered views displayed on the records in a given object. You can also easily create these list views to help with segmentation, cleanup of data, reporting, quick access to the database records you need, etc. This is super easy to do. If you want a particular segment of your customers to show the direct customers, you can create a list view by clicking the arrow next to it, clicking further new, and typing in a custom name for your list view. Click Save and your new list are created.
Set up filters
Next, you can set up the filtering criteria according to your needs. For this, click on the filter icon as the little funnel under the import option. You can click on the box filter by the owner and change it to all accounts. This way, you can also make sure that you catch all the accounts you need to segment. Next, you can add a new filter. For this, click on the add filter link and add any number of filters to a list. You can use each field on the record to filter it. Next, you may choose the operator. Operator types may depend on the field types you choose. You can also add a new filter. Click on the add filter link and add any number of filters to the list.
If you plan for a big list, you have quite a few choices to consider equal to, not equal to, smaller than, bigger than, contains or does not contain, etc. In the last field, we can use the value. We can use the pick list field also as your choice. Just click on the arrow next to the value box and choose which types you would like to select.
Creating order fields
Just click on the cogwheel and choose the option of Select fields to display. You may further choose the fields at the left column and then use the arrow tabs to move it between columns. At the right column, choose a field and use an up or down arrow to rearrange fields.
Optional features
You have more options, too, as Flosum explores to choose for a customized Salesforce view. For example, if you want to have a graph view, click on the pie chart icon. If you want a Kanban view, then choose the icon beside the cogwheel as ‘Kanban.’
Inline edit
Another cool feature you can achieve with the list view is of editing multiple records at a time. You may first know if the list view is ready to see the checkboxes at the beginning of the first column. If you do not see these, it means that the org uses multiple records. To solve this, you may add a filter to the list view.
Once you get these checkboxes on, you can then easily edit multiple records simultaneously. For this, you need to check the box against the record you want and update. You have the option to change it for just one record or all selected records.
Kanban board
As many may know, the Kanban board is a very useful tool to track the status and progress of your opportunity or project in hand in a single view. With Kanban view, you can;
- See the relative value of every stage in your sale pipeline.
- Create a task or event against each opportunity directly from there.
- Use Kanban on every list view and make sure there is at least one field on which you can group.
- Find to which segment an account belongs to etc.
Chatter tool
Chatter is a highly efficient collaboration tool. However, it may be hard to track the status of some posts sometimes. Using the Chatter streams, one can see the posts from different groups, profiles, and records as you choose. You may also run up to five streams in which each stream can have up to 25 items. You can see these streams at the Chatter feed’s left-hand bar, from where you can edit and delete those. By creating chatter streams specific to certain topics, you can instantly track the status of those anytime.
These are just beginning points in customizing your Salesforce tools, for which you can explore many ways by yourself and by going through the Salesforce Trailheads and forums.
Author’s Bio:
Walter Moore is a blogger and digital marketing expert at Flosum. He is quite experienced in the field of web marketing as well as website designing. He has been working as a database administrator in the IT industry. His research has helped thousands of users and brands with marketing campaigns too.
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