Instagram is an integral part of your business’s social marketing strategy but it is often underutilized in terms of lead generation. Several physical stores are still not knowledgeable enough of their social marketing techniques and strategy. From the perspective of growing your brand, we know that Instagram could help build exposure and generating sales. Remember that irrespective of which field you are in whether you are into fitness, hotels, e-commerce, digital marketing, or consulting services, if you fail to capitalize on this powerful social media platform, you would be missing out or losing numerous clients.

Instagram could be a great way of scaling your business and giving it a whole new dimension. So why do you think many entrepreneurs are not leveraging the versatile Instagram? Many business owners are shying away from Instagram because they are not aware of the fundamentals of Instagram marketing. In this digital era, new avenues and better opportunities are coming up. We know that Millennials have been successful in generating multiple income streams digitally through affiliate marketing, e-commerce, and social media marketing, etc. Here are some effective tips for generating leads while establishing your brand via Instagram.
Focus on Engaging with Your Industry or Niche
As per, engaging with your industry or niche seems to be pretty easy. You simply need to like or comment or follow similar brands for growing your business account on Instagram. This way, you are creating a lot of exposure for your business or brand while establishing a community of loyal customers and followers who actively engage with all your posts. This helps to make your Instagram profile visible to a much broader audience. Consider engaging with similar brands and you can soon witness your loyal fans and followers are going up by the day.
Achieve Brand Personality Consistency
You may be tempted to share pictures that you find funny, interesting, or beautiful. It is something that can be done without blinking an eye on your Instagram personal account. However, this is just not done in terms of your Instagram business account. Consistency is crucial on social media. You should head in the right direction and keep posting pictures that are relevant to your business goals and your unique brand personality. You could highlight the human side of your business. Your intention is to attract more and more people. While sharing pictures for your brand or business, do not forget to include photos and videos that will boost your brand’s aspirations and goals.
Consistency is the key to building your brand image and boosting brand personality. Take the instance of Tiffany they always stay on brand but never get boring. They do not post pictures of their diamonds alone day after day. They do not want their followers to lose interest in their brand and eventually leave because of boring monotonous pictures of diamonds only. Tiffany focuses on creating a magical blend of the new, the old, and the ‘blue’. Blue is the staple for Tiffany. Whenever anybody comes across a pretty little blue box, he will automatically think about none other but Tiffany’s. The brand has used this strategically to its advantage while sharing posts on Instagram. The brand has maintained a slight hint of the typical Tiffany blue in a majority of its posts on Instagram. Moreover, the company demonstrates its consistency by posting information that is relevant to their brand such as, posts of their jewelry, pop culture, art, and fashion.
Avoid Overdoing It
While capitalizing on Instagram for Business, it is of pivotal importance to strike the right balance in the number of times you are posting on the platform. If you overdo it, your followers and fans will get exasperated by the constant bombardment of your posts and they may just leave your brand. On the contrary, if you post hardly a few times, people will soon forget that your brand even exists. Do you remember the saying, ‘out of sight is out of mind’? Fortunately, you can strike a perfect balance in terms of timing your posts. Instagram has launched the versatile Instagram Stories that lets you post more than just a single image per post. Today, you can be in constant touch with the target audience even without shooting too many posts. A certain amount of experimentation is necessary to identify precisely what your target audience is best reacting and responding to. You may start with thrice or four times every week. Once you have gained more followers, you can consider posting once daily.
Focus on Using Hashtags Strategically
Hashtags are a fabulous tool for boosting engagement and exposure with your audience. Be strategic while using your hashtags. As per ‘Social Media Today’ STRICT is the keyword.
· S- Specific
· T- Targeted
· R- Relevant
· I-Innovative
· C- Concise
· T- Thoughtful
General Hashtag Principles
- Use a balanced blend of relevant niche, general, and even location-oriented hashtags.
- Incorporate one branded hashtag into every post on Instagram.
- Focus on using one campaign hashtag while organizing a giveaway or running your marketing campaign.
- Consider using local, event, and holiday hashtags for boosting the visibility of your Instagram post.
The key to success in terms of using Instagram hashtags are to use them effectively and strategically irrespective of whether you are thinking of using only three well-researched hashtags or thirty meticulously-chosen hashtags. Being specific to the extent possible helps in narrowing down the group of targeted clients and makes it far more convenient and easier for building a highly-engaged and motivated audience. Seek professional assistance from a reputed digital marketing organization.
Remember to Post CTA Content
It is best to incorporate CTAs into the caption of your Instagram post for boosting engagement and increasing your overall follower count. Suppose, you are posting an inspirational quote! You could include the phrase, ‘tag a friend to motivate’ or ‘Like if you think in the same way and agree’. The engagement opportunities are bound to be manifold and exponential because of this plan. Opportunities and avenues for engagement seem to be exponential. Followers are free to like, share, or comment and tag their Instagram friends.
You should keep in mind why you had started the business in the first place. Nobody will be running a business they are not fascinated by or passionate about. Once you can determine an effective way of communicating the underlying passion with all your followers on Instagram, you can leverage the versatile platform for making your brands thrive.
Author’s Bio:
Walter Moore is a blogger and digital marketing expert at He is quite experienced in the field of web marketing as well as website designing. He has been working as a database administrator in the IT industry. His research has helped thousands of users and brands with marketing campaigns too.
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