Dust 2 is one of the most famous maps in CSGO(Counter-Strike Global Offensive). This map has a lot of labels, it is difficult for many new players to understand and remember these labels. The following guide will bring you a detailed introduction to csgo callouts dust 2 2022. Divide csgo callouts dust 2 into three parts to help you remember better. If you want to know more about callouts dust 2, visit gametopn.com.

1. A site mark:
1. A Short
A Short connects mid and A bombsite and is the spawn point area for Counter Strike.
2. Short Stairs
Short Stairs is a set of short stairs from the Catwalk to A Short and is a great place to throw props.
3. Ninja
Ninja is a hidden hole behind a pile of boxes on A Short, where Counter-Strike can disarm the attack.
4. A Plat
A Plat is a platform on A bombsites. This platform has a wider area and is the area between A Bombsite and A Short.
5. A Default
It is a default plant point, located on the edge of the raised platform, and the player can have the best viewing angle at A Default by getting closer to A Long.
6. Goose
Goose is a goose graffiti on the wall of the enclosed part behind A Site and Barrels, where A Long and A Short can be observed.
7. Barrels
Barrels are a group of oil barrels behind A Site, near the mesh fence.
8. Ramp
This marker is a ramp that you will pass on your way up from A Cross to A Bombsite.
9. A Car
A car near A Long, where players can hide and observe A Short and A Long.
10. A Cross
A Cross is an area that separates A Long from A Site. This area is very open and exposed to the sight of CT Spawn and Short.
11. Elevator
The Elevator is in a corner of the A Site Platform, on the side of the CT Spawn, and can help CT get to the bomb site quickly.
12. Short Boost
The trash can outside the CT Spawn on the A side, CT can jump on the trash can to reach A Short faster.
13. A Long
A Long is a long and narrow corridor area that can connect Long Doors and Pit to A Bombsite, and is the only way for terrorists to go to A Site.

2. B Site marking:
1. B Doors
B Doors is a double door, which is the entrance of CT Mid to B Site.
2. B Window
This is a window in the brick wall of the B site, with several boxes that serve as a platform to the B Window, through which the CT Mid can be accessed.
3. Double Stack
Here are the two boxes overlapping in the middle of the B bomb site, be careful not to confuse these two boxes with the box leading to the B Window.
4. B Default
B Default is near B Doors, which is a suitable location for placing bombs on the B site.
5. B Back Site
The B Back Site is on the back of the B bomb site, adjacent to the B Plat, and refers to the area behind all the boxes above B.
6. Big Box
On the B Site is a huge box covered with a tarp , similar to an Xbox.
7. B Plat
The B Plat can be seen directly opposite the entrance to the upper tunnel, which is also the elevated area of the B bomb site.
8. Back Plat
Back Plat is the back end of B Plat. It is different from B Plat. Generally, this label is used when the player cannot see the back of B Plat at the bomb site.
9. Fence
A wall at B site is a hidden hideout for counter-strikes, where terrorists can be ambushed when they leave the tunnel.
10. B Car
A car on the B site, to the right of the tunnel exit, can use this callout when there is an enemy directly behind the car.
11. Closet
Closet is the corner next to the B Car, to the right of the tunnel or to the left of the B Doors.
12. Close
The left corner when the terrorists leave the B tunnel and enter the B site is Close, where the counter-strikes can ambush them.
Third, the marking of the middle road:
1. Mid
Mid, as the name suggests, is the middle area of the map, from Mid Doors all the way to Top Mid, a passage between T Spawn and CT Mid.
2. Mid Doors
Mid Doors are the gates between the Mid and CT Mid that terrorist snipers will shoot at T Spawn.
3. Xbox
It is a box next to the middle door of Mid, opposite the exit of the lower B tunnel. Jump on this box to enter Catwalk and A Short.
4. Catwalk
Catwalk is a walkway on the Mid side, leading to A Short and A Bombsite, an area that terrorists pass through as they move from Top Mid to A Short and A Site.
5. Palm
It’s a phone mast at the top of the middle near the Catwalk, where there used to be a palm tree, so this one is called the Palm.
6. Right Side Mid
Looking up from the Mid Doors towards the T spawn, the indented area on the right-middle is Right Side Mid, a callout usually only used by Counter-Strike.
7. Top Mid
Looking up from Mid Doors to T Spawn, Top Mid is on top of Mid, Top Mid connects Suicide with Mid and Outside Mid.
8. Upper Tunnels
The Upper Tunnels are an integral part of the B tunnel, leading from the upper tunnel to the stairs connecting the tunnel to the middle corridor, all the way to the arcade leading to the middle.
9. Tunnel Stairs
Tunnel Stairs refers to the stairs connecting the Upper Tunnels and the Lower Tunnels, which is the passage of the Lower Tunnels between the Upper Tunnels.
10. Lower Tunnels
The Upper Tunnels are another component of the B-tunnel, starting from the B-tunnel entrance of T-Spawn and ending at the choke point leading to the B blast point.
11. Long Corner
Long Corner is a corner of the nearest building at Long Doors, a popular address for Counter-Strike, usually a reverse push at A Long.
12. Blue
Opposite A Long Doors, Blue is a huge blue shipping crate and a more common defensive spot.

Above is the detailed introduction of CSGO callouts dust 2 2022. This website provides you with a wealth of popular game guide articles, as well as a lot of download resources.
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