Graphic design brings a tremendous and obvious change to a simple web design. Adding graphic design elements correctly can help you in making your content stand out.
This can help you create top-notch designs for national as well as international brands. Consistent growth and success of a brand are marked by these factors.

Here we are to help you out and teach you some basic and fundamental principles that are required while designing.
1. Alignment
Alignment on a web page brings a visual connection between elements such as shapes, images, text boxes, etc. It is an invisible connection between elements that may not be in close proximity. Moreover, it eliminates distortion. The overall look of the page becomes more sharpened and unified. Also, it brings a seamless visual connection between elements.
Alignment makes content easy to read and is pleasing to the eyes. It allows us to see things in order. Though, this feature is very basic but it is highly essential. Alignment of designs makes sure that there is no random placement of elements. Also, the proportion of elements can draw attention to strong elements.
2. Balance
Balance adds stability and structure to a design with help of symmetry or by building tension in the elements. Balance can be brought by an appropriate distribution of graphic design elements. It distributes the weight of elements on the web page by the placement of elements. You need to follow a certain layout to make your page look stable and balanced.
When graphic designing is taken into consideration, Balance through symmetry can be of 3 types-
● Symmetrical– In this form of design, all the elements are arranged along a vertical or horizontal axis. Elements are evenly divided between both sides of the layout.
● Asymmetrical– This type requires features like color, scale or contrast to even out the flow of the layout. Two sides of layout may differ but it has similar elements.
● Radial– Elements are placed in a circular pattern on the layout. This brings a sense of dynamism and movement to the eyes of the viewers.
Balance through tension–
This effect has a good impact on viewers. The tension between two elements or space in between them is considered in this type of balance. It has a bold effect and also a dynamic look.
3. Hierarchy
Hierarchy places certain elements over the others based on their importance. It creates an organization. This method combines two main aspects- Dominance and Priority.
Ultimately, it adds extra weight to certain elements on the web page to make them stand out. This can be helpful in conveying a brand’s message.
By adding a huge amount of elements, nothing will stand out. But visual hierarchy can place elements in such a way that only important stands out. Further, those elements lead the eyes of the audience to elements of lesser importance.
How can a hierarchy be achieved?
● Highlight title using large or bold fonts.
● Add detailed and colored visuals.
● Each element can be ranked according to its importance.
● The key message should be the most eye-catching.
4. Contrast
This principle of graphic designing can guide the eyes of the audience towards key elements on a web page. It can help in bringing the organization of information on-page.
Contrast is brought when design elements are placed in opposition to a layout. This could be dark vs light, cool vs warm, thick vs thin, large vs small, or many more.
The contrast must be strong enough and obvious to make it work. The differences must be extreme to avoid it to look like a mistake.
For instance, when we agree on online terms and conditions, I agree is presented in bold letters while I decline.
5. Rhythm
Different elements are brought together by the usage of rhythm. It makes the appearance look more organized and the work look more consistent.
Repetition of elements like the logo of the brand or significant colors of the brand brings a sense of similarity. It helps people recognize the brand. Thus, it strengthens the overall look.
Rhythm can be classified basically into 2 types-
● Fluid– This helps in adding a certain amount of variation. It makes the look flow in a single direction.
● Progressive– This one is based on the sequence. It controls the visual movement of viewers between elements on-page.
6. Proximity
Clutter on the page can be avoided by taking help from proximity. It creates a relation between related elements.
Proximity forms a visual connection with elements like font size, color, font type, etc. The overall appearance seems presentable and appealing.
It also helps is a good user experience as everything is organized in a proper manner. Certain elements that do not need to be placed together can be connected by using font, color, and size. The layout of the page must also be balanced.
7. Repetition
Repetition imparts strength to the overall design. It bonds the elements together to show a unified front. This makes the brand easily recognizable.
Repeating certain elements brings similarity and a sense of association also. Also, it shows unity in multiple page documents as the pages must look familiar to each other in terms of grid, font, or color. It should be easy to identify that certain elements belong together.
Taking an example of a family, all the family members are different but they look similar enough to identify them as a family.
8. Color
Tonability in design can be brought by effective use of colours. It represents your brand. One must have a basic knowledge of colour theory to implement colours properly. Using appropriate colours can help to evoke certain emotions and this can be helpful for building your brand in the long run.
Apparently, colours like gold or neutrals bring sophistication, bright colours are known to bring happiness. Also, lighter colours and pastels bring a sense of calmness.
9. Negative Space
Negative space is basically referred to as blank space. It is not mandatory to leave white space and call it negative space but lighter elements or background images can also count as negative space. It acts as a cushion or a breathing room for elements on web pages. It is basically the area that is left unoccupied between elements.
This supports scannability as the clutter decreases. Also, this helps in enhancing visual hierarchy.
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