Technology has changed countless things in people’s daily lives worldwide. For centuries, physical keys and locks were an incredible technology that let people keep their homes or places of work secure.

Today, many businesses and institutions entrust their security to proximity cards, those credit card-sized pieces of plastic which can open a door with a tap. Please read on to learn three things about proximity cards you probably didn’t know.
Make Them Yourself
Many hotels provide proximity cards for guests to open their door with one tap. Maybe you’ve received a proximity card from a hotel receptionist, but industry leaders like Avon Security Products sell the printers so businesses can produce the cards on site.
Proximity cards let businesses control every door each employee can and can’t enter. They save them from needing to carry a ring of keys or wasting time trying to find the right one. Whereas metal keys needed to be copied from a hardware store or convenience store nearby, companies can produce their own proximity cards on-site and make onboarding new employees a breeze.
Print secure, double-sided cards whenever you need them. Connect with a local specialist to see which proximity card printer is right for you. They’ll take you through options with different features at various price brackets.
Branding Opportunities
There’s a reason why companies put their logos and slogans on swag people use daily, like pens or wattle bottles — they want to maximize the number of people who see them. Putting a corporate logo on a proximity card or lanyard can be a great way to display your business’ name and logo, since employees carry these with them throughout the workday.
Custom branding also helps cement your company’s work culture and boosts morale. Employees feel like they’re working for somewhere significant when they see company logos and insignias throughout the day in various places.
More Secure Than Ever
The proximity cards used today are more secure than the early models embraced decades ago. The latest encoding technology helps secure some of the biggest companies, organizations, and institutions in Canada.
Just ensure you connect with a company whose proximity cards match any security system, from 26-bit, 35-bit, 37-but, and 172-bit. They should also include layers of counterfeiting prevention features, such as holographics and watermarks.
Proximity cards access a low frequency 125kHz to transmit the data on the card to the door’s access reader. The data on the card is embedded in a metallic antenna coil, and the card’s custom numbers pass through to the access control panel. If the numbers on the door match the numbers on the card, it unlocks. Technology tends to make things smaller in size, so no wonder a ring of keys has been replaced by a single card. Between the convenience, heightened security, and the branding opportunities, it’s no wonder institutions around the country are embracing proximity cards. If you’re considering getting proximity cards to make your business or place of work secure, contact your local supplier today.
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